Para la Masa:
- 50 gr. Mantequilla.
- 5 cdas. Azúcar granulada.
- 1 Huevo entero.
- 1 1/2 Taza de Harina.
- 2 cdas. Polvos de Hornear.
- Mermelada de Frambuesas.
- 100 gr. Nueces picadas (decoración)
- Azúcar Flor (decoración)
Para el Puré de Castañas:
- 1 Kg. Castañas.
- Azúcar granulada.
- 1 cda. Esencia de vainilla.
Preparación de la Masa.
Se bate la mantequilla junto con el azúcar granulada, hasta que adquiera una consistencia cremosa. Añadir el huevo entero y seguir batiendo. Incorporar el harina cernida y polvos de hornear a la mezcla anterior. Se uslerea la masa de modo de cubrir el fondo de un molde previamente enmantequillado de 26 cms. diámetro, con bordes lo suficientemente altos para alcanzar la altura del relleno, se pincha la masa con un tenedor para que no se infle. Se lleva a horno precalentado a 200°C por un período de 20 minutos.
Preparación del Puré de Castañas.
Lavar las castañas y ponerlas a cocer en una olla grande con agua hirviendo. Cuando estén blandas deben sacarse del agua caliente y pelarlas inmediatamente. Las castañas deben molerse como puré. Luego prepare un almíbar de pelo con azúcar y la esencia de vainilla, calculando más o menos media taza de azúcar por cada taza de puré de castaña. Cuando el almíbar esté a punto de pelo viértalo sobre las castañas y revuelva bien. Ponga en una olla al fuego durante unos minutos, para que el dulce hierva, revolviendo bien para que no se pegue.
Armado del Küchen.
Una vez retirada la masa del horno se procede al relleno con una fina capa de mermelada de frambuesas, luego se incorpora el puré de castañas esparciéndolo con una espátula evitando que se mezcle con la mermelada. Finalmente se cubre con una segunda capa de mermelada de frambuesas. Se colocan las nueces picadas cubriendo toda la superficie y se espolvorea azúcar flor. Servir frío para evitar que el puré de castañas se desborde al cortar.
For the Dough:
For Chestnut Puree:
Beat the butter with the granulated sugar, until it becomes creamy. Add the whole egg and continue beating. Incorporate the sifted flourand baking powder to the mixture. It uslerea mass in order to cover the bottom of a mold greased 26 cms. diameter, with walls high enough to reach the height of the filling, prick the dough with a forkso it does not inflate. It takes a preheated oven at 200°C for a period of 20 minutes.
Chestnut Puree Preparation.
Wash the chestnuts and put to boil in a large pot of boiling water. When they are soft to be removed from the hot water and peel immediately. The chestnuts are ground into a puree. Then prepare a syrup of sugar and hair with vanilla essence, estimating about half a cup of sugar per cup chestnut puree. When the syrup hair is about top our over the chestnuts and stir well. Put in a pot on the fire for several minutes that the soft boil, stirring well to prevent sticking.
Küchen armed.
After removing the mass of the oven was the filled with a thin layer of raspberry jam, then joined the chestnut puree avoid spreading it with a spatula to mix with the marmalade. Finally covered with a second layer of raspberry jam. Place the chopped nuts covering the entire surface and sprinkle powdered sugar.
For the Dough:
- 50 gr. Butter.
- 5 tbsp. Granulated sugar.
- 1 whole egg.
- 1 1 / 2 cup flour.
- 2 tbsp. Baking Powder.
- Raspberry Jam.
- 100 gr. Chopped walnuts (decoration)
- Powdered Sugar
- 1 kg chestnuts.
- Granulated sugar.
- 1 tbsp. Vanilla essence.
Beat the butter with the granulated sugar, until it becomes creamy. Add the whole egg and continue beating. Incorporate the sifted flourand baking powder to the mixture. It uslerea mass in order to cover the bottom of a mold greased 26 cms. diameter, with walls high enough to reach the height of the filling, prick the dough with a forkso it does not inflate. It takes a preheated oven at 200°C for a period of 20 minutes.
Chestnut Puree Preparation.
Wash the chestnuts and put to boil in a large pot of boiling water. When they are soft to be removed from the hot water and peel immediately. The chestnuts are ground into a puree. Then prepare a syrup of sugar and hair with vanilla essence, estimating about half a cup of sugar per cup chestnut puree. When the syrup hair is about top our over the chestnuts and stir well. Put in a pot on the fire for several minutes that the soft boil, stirring well to prevent sticking.
Küchen armed.
After removing the mass of the oven was the filled with a thin layer of raspberry jam, then joined the chestnut puree avoid spreading it with a spatula to mix with the marmalade. Finally covered with a second layer of raspberry jam. Place the chopped nuts covering the entire surface and sprinkle powdered sugar.
Serve chilled to prevent overflow chestnut puree to cut.
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